Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Injury Prevention
Want to improve your hip mobility? The 90/90 Mobility Drill is an FRC influenced hip mobility drill that will help improve the flexibility, stability and control of both your hips internal and external rotation. This exercise can be used as part of your warm up or cool down on training days or movement training on...
We all know that having a strong core is important but core timing is something that is often overlooked. Core timing refers to when the appropriate muscles fire at the right time with the ideal amount of tension. Here are 3 exercises that will help you strengthen your anterior core and improve the efficiency of...
This exercise targets your rotator cuff muscles, specifically the supraspinatus muscle. Making it a great exercise for people rehabbing from a shoulder injury and/or as a form of rehab. In this video I explain a few common mistakes people make when completing to help you get the most out of your External Shoulder Rotations. PRO...
The Mountain Climber is a popular exercise often used in group exercise settings. In this video I explain how to avoid some common mistakes and get more out of your Mountain Climbers. COACHING CUES: Keep your hands stacked directly under your shoulders (don’t let your body travel forward as you bring your knee up) Bring...
Injuries happen, and chances are good that you have experienced one at some point in your life. In fact, you may even be injured right now and not even know it. That may come as a shock to hear, but some injures don’t cause you to feel pain — making it hard for you to...
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