Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Injury Prevention
Due to their general makeup, hamstrings have the potential to be strong. But many athletes fail to tap in to their hamstrings strength and power. Training your hamstrings to be recruited properly will give you the ability to run faster, decelerate and change direction more efficiently. It will also help better stabilize your knees; which is...
Pullovers are good for so many reasons. When done correctly, pullovers require you to maintain a strong set of your ribcage – which helps to strengthen your diaphragm and internal obliques, and makes for a great anti-extension core exercise. Pullovers also allow for an eccentric contraction of your lats while they are in a lengthened...
Often people master bilateral exercises and jump right into unilateral exercises as a means of progressing themselves. For certain movements however, a transitional exercise can help ensure that form is maintained and the right muscles are contributing to stabilizing and/or producing movement. This is especially true for glute bridging exercises. Here is a regular Glute...
If you want to improve your hip flexibility and overall function, this is the perfect exercise for you. Performing this drill will help you improve your active hip flexion strength, stability and control; which can help improve your overall hip flexibility and function. We won’t lie, this exercise is pretty challenging. Not only do you have...
These are the things you can’t see in a before and after picture. Prior to commencing her transformation journey, Jessica (like so many of us) had a long list of excuses keeping her out of the gym. But after adopting her son Jack, things changed. Jessica realized that she wanted (and needed) to live a...
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