Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Do you wish that you were stronger? Well the first step to “getting strong” is pin-pointing your definition of strength. Essentially, what you want to achieve and why. Physical strength has a different meaning to everyone—and for good reason. An individual’s definition of “strength” is personal and—in most cases—directly linked to what they want to...
Do you want to get into strength training? Would you like to improve your overall strength and learn how to get stronger? Has your strength training plateaued?  Are you sick of not seeing results?   If you answered yes to any of those questions, we want to hear from you. We’re looking for 5 men...
How bad do you have to want something in order to elicit a change? That is the only question you need to ask yourself when you’re frustrated by the fact that you’re not seeing results, despite the fact that you’re putting effort into something. We’ve all been there – that cross road between two questions on the path...
Personal health is something that most of us strive for, but often don’t feel like we’ve achieved. It’s a never-ending project that takes time, effort, consideration, and a certain amount of dedication. Actually who am I kidding, A LOT of dedication. Some of us are under the impression that we have our general health under control,...
Join me and the rest of the Balance in Motion team for a SUGARLESS 30-DAYS OF SOBRIETY! Why would we want to do such a thing? Well we figure it would be the perfect way to kick the New Year off right—especially after our December binging. So join us and start your New Year with a...
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