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Andrea Lawson
We’ve all been there. Your training is going awesome, you’re feeling great, and you’re well on your way to reaching the goals you set out to achieve—then it happens. Life, as you know it stops suddenly and you are faced with the daunting task of rehabbing from an injury. It sucks. Period. If the injury is...
In keeping with this week’s theme of Why Strength Matters I thought there would be no better topic to discuss than Deadlifting. Deadlifts are a personal favourite of mine with benefits second to none. To help demystify the deadlift, I thought I’d share one of my all-time favourite blog posts with you. This post is written...
How bad do you have to want something in order to elicit a change? That is the only question you need to ask yourself when you’re frustrated by the fact that you’re not seeing results, despite the fact that you’re putting effort into something. We’ve all been there – that cross road between two questions on the path...
Join me and the rest of the Balance in Motion team for a SUGARLESS 30-DAYS OF SOBRIETY! Why would we want to do such a thing? Well we figure it would be the perfect way to kick the New Year off right—especially after our December binging. So join us and start your New Year with a...
Have you put effort into something only to be disappointed by the results? Well you’re not alone. Join our 2015 strongHER Transformation Challenge and change that!   This unique program is more than a weight loss challenge; it’s a chance to change your life. Our mission is to help you live the best life possible—in a body...
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