Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Hello! We have launched a new schedule with additional classes and new memberships. We are also introducing a new trial membership offer. Please see the attached documents for all the details. New trial offer: New class schedule & price list: If you have any questions, please call the Balance in Motion office at...
For anyone who isn’t quite where they should be in their Sun Run training or just needs to peel themselves off the couch and start a routine, time to GET ON IT. There are just over 6 weeks to go until the Sun Run (April 27th, mark your calendars folks), so get your running shoes...
This past week we were in Las Vegas. #togocups #sunshine #somuchfun #ilovehashtags. No, not for a birthday party, bachelor party, or vacation, but for a fitness and business conference. Pretty innocent and boring right? Wrong! It literally changed everything. It changed the way we approach our passions. It changed the way we approach people. And...
It’s two weeks into 2014 and already 30% of New Years Resolutions have been thrown out. Half way through the year this turns into a whopping 50% and by the end of December, depending on your age, anywhere between 60-85% of resolutions have been broken. The gym pass is collecting dust, the crash diet has...
The stationary bear crawl, or opposite hand-knee lift is one of our favourite exercises to activate the spinal stabilizers that play a key role in back injury prevention. Often times, those who have chronic back pain have difficulty activating their multifidus, a stabilizer of the low back and pelvis. This exercise helps to activate and...
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