Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Want to improve your hip mobility? The 90/90 Mobility Drill is an FRC influenced hip mobility drill that will help improve the flexibility, stability and control of both your hips internal and external rotation. This exercise can be used as part of your warm up or cool down on training days or movement training on...
We all know that having a strong core is important but core timing is something that is often overlooked. Core timing refers to when the appropriate muscles fire at the right time with the ideal amount of tension. Here are 3 exercises that will help you strengthen your anterior core and improve the efficiency of...
The Mountain Climber is a popular exercise often used in group exercise settings. In this video I explain how to avoid some common mistakes and get more out of your Mountain Climbers. COACHING CUES: Keep your hands stacked directly under your shoulders (don’t let your body travel forward as you bring your knee up) Bring...
In February of 2000 my dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Succumbing to the disease a very short two months later. I was 17 at the time. April 7th marks the 17-year anniversary of my father’s death. It also means that my dad has not been in my life for as long as he was in...
One of the most common goals that I hear people say is, “I want to look more toned.” A phrase that typically follows, especially in the case of females, with the following statement: “But not bulky.” Nine times out of 10 a client explains to me how they want lose excess fat and see more muscle definition....
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