Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


One of our lovely clients brought in some delicious date energy balls that she made two weeks ago and I ate four in one sitting… I could not help myself, they were so good. After my uncontrollable moment of pure gluttony, I sent that client a message asking for the recipe. She found it on, and here it is....
When I gave up dairy I thought that my days of enjoying creamy things were over. And they were, for a time. If you’re living a dairy-free existence like me, you know – most dairy-free alternatives leave a lot to be desired. They’re often nothing like the thing they’re supposed to be mimicking, and loaded with less-than-desirable ingredients...
I’ll be honest, I think regular white flour pancakes are gross. That may make me the worst Canadian ever, (since flapjacks with pure maple syrup are a bit of a Canadian classic) but I dislike them immensely; and it’s not just because I’m gluten free and can’t eat them. Though I’ll admit, that does add...
Pancakes are a breakfast classic. Sweet, fluffy, and delicious when paired with bacon (but then again what isn’t delicious with bacon) they’ve been helping people start their day for, well, forever. I love pancakes, but as the name suggests, they kind of sit more on the dessert side of the spectrum then breakfast—especially when topped with...
This recipe comes from the incredible Dr. Mark Hyman—who I love. Dr. Hyman believes that we all deserve a life of vitality, and that we have the potential to create it for ourselves. Which is a feeling I wholeheartedly share. Dr. Hyman has dedicated his life to discovering the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional...
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