Richmond: 604.271.7181
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corrective exercises
This is a fantastic exercise to work your mid-back and shoulders, especially if you typically experience tension in your neck and/or shoulders when doing shoulder exercises. Give it a try and feel the difference. PRO TIP: Bring your knuckles down to the floor and hold for 1 sec WITHOUT raising your ribs.  
Injuries happen, and chances are good that you have experienced one at some point in your life. In fact, you may even be injured right now and not even know it. That may come as a shock to hear, but some injures don’t cause you to feel pain — making it hard for you to...
Have you ever noticed that no matter how often or how long you stretch for, certain muscles always still feel tight? Well, there’s a reason for this that stretching alone won’t help. Here’s the thing… Certain muscles have a tendency to stay “on” for three reasons: [list type=”1″] For protective tension Because they’re continuously being overworked Or...
Breathing is something that most of us do without thinking… and why would you? You breathe in, you breathe out, end of story right? Well believe it or not there is a right and a wrong way to breathe, and most of us do it wrong. Now that may come as a surprise to you, so...
I believe Dan John described the Kettlebell Swing best when he said, “The Swing is a fat-burning athlete builder.” The Kettlebell Swing is the foundation of effective Russian Kettlebell (KB) training and provides the following benefits: [list type=”4″] It develops your posterior chain; specifically your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and lats Strengthens your core Builds explosive power and helps to increase your overall...
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