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Whole Foods
Fish is one of the healthiest proteins on the planet. It’s a nutrient-dense food packed with omega-3s, rich in iron, and a great source of vitamin B12. It also happens to be delicious—when done up right. I typically recommend that people eat fish a minimum of once a week; especially if you’re trying to lose weight and/or build muscle mass. One...
Most people’s relationship status with Whole Foods would definitely be, “It’s complicated.” A lot of people have a love/hate relationship with grocer. It’s pay more for organic, natural, and in some cases, sustainable food’s model can be hard for people to swallow; myself included at times. I however have a love/love relationship with Whole Foods. Yes you...
If you’re a regular reader of this blog you know that I love gardening. The payoffs of having a home garden are huge—even with minimal labour—and thanks to the Square Foot Gardening Method (which is what I follow) you don’t need much space to grow your own. This year I decided to try growing something new in my garden,...
Kale is kind of like cilantro, you either love it or you hate it. There really is no middle ground. But unlike cilantro, there are clever ways to hide kale’s bitter flavour and reap the benefits of eating it. Case in point: this flavourful jalapeño-lime kale slaw. Say that 10x fast. Incorporating raw food—especially raw...
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