Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Pain in both the neck and shoulder is very common, and being pain-free is something people take for granted until it’s gone. There are many causes to this annoying or even debilitating pain, but oftentimes it may be due to everyday actions such as bad posture at work and at the office.  If you are...
The Mountain Climber is a popular exercise often used in group exercise settings. In this video I explain how to avoid some common mistakes and get more out of your Mountain Climbers. COACHING CUES: Keep your hands stacked directly under your shoulders (don’t let your body travel forward as you bring your knee up) Bring...
Have you ever noticed that no matter how often or how long you stretch for, certain muscles always still feel tight? Well, there’s a reason for this that stretching alone won’t help. Here’s the thing… Certain muscles have a tendency to stay “on” for three reasons: [list type=”1″] For protective tension Because they’re continuously being overworked Or...
Before adding load to your lunges it’s worth spending some time perfecting your pattern to ensure that you are using the right muscles throughout the movement. To help you perfect it, check out my post on, How to Complete a Lunge Properly. If you’re relatively new to the lunge position, it is also a good idea to master some...
If you’re looking for something different from your traditional lunge, then THE REVERSE LUNGE TO ROW might just be the variation you are looking for. Before you read any further however, make sure check out THIS post and learn how to perform a lunge correctly before attempting to progress to the reverse lunge to row.  ...
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