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Horizontal upper body pulling, or rowing variations, offer the ability to build strength with lower stress on the shoulder than vertical pulling.  In this blog post, we are going to share 6 variations that each offer different benefits. And, we will explain who each option may be best suited for, so anyone can understand when...
In this BIM Lab article, we are going to be sharing advice on how to do better calf raises, exercises for the soleus, as well as more specific calf raises for happy feet! … First off, better calf raises! What makes them better? You do. And we’re being serious! How you execute a calf raise...
What’s the best part about push-ups?  … You guessed it – the fact that your shoulder blades can move! However, this is not the case for bench and floor press variations (both barbell and dumbbell) where your shoulder blades need to remain fixed against the bench or floor. Not to say that you have to...
It’s time for some self-reflection: when was the last time you incorporated shoulder/scapular stability exercises in your exercise program? Chances are not very often, and that’s likely contributing to the pain you get in your shoulders; especially if you do any overhead exercises. If you are facing some kind of shoulder injury, whether it’s acute...
When it comes to improving shoulder mobility, stability, strength and function (basically everything shoulder-related) it’s important to first understand the basics of how your shoulders operate, and why they’re pretty much the worst joint ever. Your shoulder is actually more of complex comprised of two joints, the glenohumeral and the acromioclavicular joint. What makes the shoulder unique...
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