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I get asked a lot why it’s important to engage your core while working out, so I felt it was time to write a post about it. Diving right into it, your core muscles are the foundation of all movement, so it’s important that you master intersegmental stabilization—which really just means the ability to co-contract...
WE HAVE A HUGE OPPORTUNITY FOR 10 PEOPLE LOOKING TO SEE RESULTS! Are you one of them?  This is your chance to drop inches, tone and build muscle, get personalized fitness training as well as nutrition advice from our trained team of professionals—not to mention, have fun while you’re doing it.  Getting the body that you’ve always dreamed...
Do you feel “tight” or a “pinching” feeling when you try to come into full hip flexion? Well that tightness could be an indication of a weakness in that movement pattern. The good news – the Supine Knee to Elbow Touch is a simple exercise that you can do to help correct it.   The Supine Knee to Elbow...
I often get asked if running is bad for you. My short answer to that question is no, running is not bad for you. But it’s important to understand that how you run can have a harmful affect on your body. To help explain my stance I want to go over the benefits of running, then...
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